Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Not-So-Hott Mess

Imagine my horror when I happened to look up from the book I was reading this morning on the subway and discovered a very tall, kinda young (early 20s) girl standing by the door wearing a very tight, bright, lime-green shirt that just covered the flabby belly that was hanging over the waistline of the too-tight jeans. Unfortunately, the fabric wasn't spandexy (yes, I know that's not a real word) enough to cover the love handles pouring out from the sides of the shirt. All of this was topped off by a short, fuschia jacket that just covered below this girl's boobs. A bright-yellow belt was complimented by bright-yellow earrings and the entire ensemble was completed by silver ballet flats.

Now, I'm all for being creative and daring to set a new fashion trend, but no. Just no. This outfit was in no way shape or form a good idea. Especially so early in the morning.

Re: the picture - it's one of the first things that came up when I typed in "hot mess" into google images and I really liked it.


sammy blue said...

um you have heard of cell phone cameras, right? not that your descriptive skills are bad or anything, but still. a picture would've given us 1 thousand words. just saying.

Subway Gal said...

Unfortunately I don't possess that type of quick thinking so early in the morn.

Abe said...

I have to tell you the day you posted this, I sent the picture to everyone at my office, as well as some other friends. Everyone got quite a kick out of it...can you imagine opening up an attachment, and BAM, that's what pops up?? Ha.

Subway Gal said...

If that was one of the first things I saw in my inbox in the morning, I would probably spit up my morning coffee. But it is a nice, err, interesting start to the day, so I'm pretty confident that your coworkers appreciated it, Abe.