Thursday, August 7, 2008

Some (possible) GOOD NEWS for Subway Riders

I eOk, so I know that I already said my goodbye for the week, but I just found this story about the MTA and subway stations that, as a respected (HA-HA) transit blogger, it is my duty to report.

The headline of the story in yesterday's New York Times is weak - it's so obvious it's embarrassing that one of the best newspapers couldn't come up with something more clever to say - but it actually discusses some good ideas being proposed to fix subway stations. GASP!!!! Fix subway stations??? Unheard of! How exciting!

Anyway, one of the ideas being proposed in a study that the MTA's advocacy org (I know, I didn't know such a thing existed either) conducted is a type of Adopt-a-Subway program. I know, you're thinking, who, in their right mind, would want to adopt an NYC subway station? It's the equivalent of new parents deciding that instead of adopting a new, healthy baby, they would adopt an 80-year-old homeless man with a broken hip and one arm. But then again, I doubt anyone thought the Adopt-a-Highway program would be a success, and now look at all the signs we see about people and companies adopting highways. So, it just might work! I expect that we will see changes in 2028.

Zemanta Pixie


Anonymous said...

i want subway to sponsor a subway station. very meta

sammy blue said...

you're journalistic responsibility is inspiring.