Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New York Compassion

On the way to my apartment this evening, I passed a man passed out on the sidewalk. He didn't appear to be homeless, though who am I to judge, so I'm not sure what he was up to. Was he dead? Was he passed out drunk? I don't know, and apparently no one cares because everyone, including me, just walked passed him. And I live in Queens remember, so strange looking men sleeping on sidewalks is definitely not an every day occurrence. I considered calling the cops, but what would I say? A man is possibly dead or just passed out on the sidewalk? What if I'm jumping to conclusions and he simply wanted to take a nap outside under the stars. I guess we'll never know, but if he's still there in the morning I'm calling the cops.

On the way to my apartment yesterday evening, I passed two large men yelling at each other in front of the new doughnut store in my neighborhood in a language I didn't recognize and punching each other in the head. I'd never seen a real-life brawl before (except the one I was engaged in at a bar my senior year in college over a guy - long story) and I was kinda excited. These two men had drawn quite the crowd when one hit the other and he went down and the other guy went running down the block. With one shoe on. Gotta love the free entertainment.


sammy blue said...

i bet with that lack of nyc compassion, no one ran after the guy to give him his other shoe. you people are pathetic.

Subway Gal said...

Sam, "pathetic" is a word that is way harsh (TY hehe). Anyway, I didn't know where his shoe was so I couldn't give it back to him, but if I did know where it was I might grab it and run with it just for laughs. JK! Or am I? . . .