Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My first trip to Brooklyn

Being a Long Island-turned-Queens girl, I've always has this unfounded bias towards Brooklyn and I don't think I've actually ever been there. That is, until yesterday. Yesterday I trekked to Park Slope on the G and F trains to visit a friend whose place I am ashamed to say I never visited. I was really shocked to find that I loved the area! It was really nice and had a bunch of shops, restaurants and bars within walking distance. There were row houses and brownstones everywhere and I found myself thinking that one day I could actually settle down there with my soon-to-be-fiance and our future family. During my visit we drank on the roof of her building (her and her husband own a piece of the roof); then went to see SATC, which was really cute - like a long version of a regular SATC episode - but also really unrealistic watching it as an NYC resident and knowing that people don't actually live like that; then went to the bars for more drinks. Overall it was a great day! However, my journey and drunken adventures is not really the point of this post. The point is the annoying teenagers I encountered on the subway on my way to Brooklyn.

I was all excited to be traveling to Brooklyn for the first time yesterday - by myself - and it was a special experience for me, which is why I was annoyed when it was interrupted by a pair of ANNOYING teenagers. These two girls who looked to be about 14-17 years old must have been discussing something pretty funny because they were SCREAMING with laughter moments after getting on the subway. And by screaming I mean high-pitched wailing. The car was pretty empty since it was the afternoon and most people were at their jobs, so I guess they thought it was ok to act like misbehaved monkeys at the zoo, but I, along with the other passengers, were not amused. Everyone looked at them and I even gave my classic death stare - twice! - but they either didn't notice or didn't care because they kept up their screaming. Thankfully, they weren't on the subway for long.

However, once they got off the subway care I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment in myself. The old me would have walked over to them and told them to shut the f#%! up. But the old me also would have been drunk while doing this. I was sober, because it was barely noon and I'm not a hardcore drinker like I used to be, but I wished I wasn't, just to put those girls in their place and have an exciting story to tell you all about. Well, I'm certain this won't be the last time I run into annoying teenagers on the subway (after all, it is only Wednesday), so stay tuned!

Song of the moment: "Rockstar" by Nickelback. Because I am a rockstar.


Unknown said...

so glad you are finally coming around to Brooklyn

iamfaced said...

hahaha! I totally remember you in your drunk days. I could see you going up and yelling at them... hell, in your drunken state, that's how I was first introduced to Norah. "This is my friend Matt... he can walk you home; BYE!" You are awesome. =D