Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Slow Movers

Earlier today as I was leaving the subway station I was stuck behind a very old, very slow woman and a slow middle-aged woman. The entire 45 second trip up the stairs I searched for ways to get in front of them, but to no avail. Finally, we reached the top of the stairs and I was able to squeeze between them and run out of the station and to the liquor store. I wasn't in any particular rush, but I CANNOT walk slow, I just can't, and people who walk slow bother me. I contemplated picking up the tiny old lady at one point and carrying her over my head as I marched up the stairs, but thought that might look crazy. Or would it have??

Remember how I mentioned the theme to "Growing Pains" in my last blog post? Well, shortly after I posted that, I found this!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I use that time to remember that this person probably wishes she could walk faster - then again maybe if the subway gal wasn't a pedestrian nazi and walked a bit slower like a normal person she have these issues