Friday, September 12, 2008

Thanks for taking my poll!


I know it's only my first week back at work after a nice, long vacation (layoff), and I technically only had to work three days this week, so I haven't exactly been dying all week waiting for Friday to arrive, but its' exciting nonetheless.

Anyway, I have exciting news! . . .
I reached my goal of more than 20 people taking my latest poll!!! As you may remember, I have been unable to reach that over 20 mark so far, always just coming in under, and now that I've made it, this is quite the milestone. I think I'll celebrate by getting drunk tonight! After my boyfriend and I have dinner with his grandparents. I try to keep up the appearance of mature, sophisticated young woman around them.

In case you are wondering about the poll results, apparently the vast majority of you claim that you would gladly give up your seat on the subway to an old or pregnant person. I think you are lying. I'm going to post a new poll soon, so please take that one too. Let's try to hit the 25 mark this time!

Have a good weekend,


Anonymous said...

drunk on the subway? what about every time i've been drunk! its my DD

Anonymous said...

or did you mean in the like, morning? cause that's ummm...not me?

now i don't know if i'm a few times or all the time. every friday night that i get drunk yeah, but does that count. it doesn't help me cope with the commute, it just gets me home. man, your pole confused me

Subway Gal said...

Sorry for the confusion, wishmewell, but I meant drunk any time on the subway. Some people (alcoholics) will likely be drunk most of the time riding the subway day or night, while others (me) will only get drunk at night on their way to their destination. You know, pregame (DON'T JUDGE! It's about 30 mins to Manhattan from Queens and you don't want to lose the buzz you had going before you left the apt)